Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The worst day ever.

Yesterday was seriously the worst day i've had in a long long time. If not ever. Let me start from the beginning. I told you i went to the dr about my back. I didnt even think about how i hurt it till the dr started asking me where i worked and what i do. I told her i pick stuff up and she made me tell her everything i had picked up that day. I told her i picked up a box of paper in the closet and that was it. She said more than likely thats how i did it. I just probably turned wrong or something and strained it. Well my boss made me take 2 days off. I went back to work monday and our boss boss TB came and asked me if i had a release note from the dr sayin i could come back to work. I said no. She said well before you can do anything i have to have that note. So i told her i'd have to go back to the dr's office and get one. She said ok....i need you to go now. Then she asked me how i hurt it and did i hurt it at work. I said im not really sure.....but i think i hurt it picking up a box of paper. Then she started sayin i should have told somebody and they would have to write it up. You could tell she wasnt happy. So i ended up leaving work and i drove all the way home and got my discharge papers and then went all the way to the dr's office to get them to give me something that said i was allowed to go back to work. I gave it to my boss.

Well yesterday my boss pulled me in the other room and she was like how did you hurt your back? This is how our conversation went:

Boss: How did you hurt your back?

Me: Im not 100% sure....but i think i hurt it picking up a box of paper

Boss: Well thats not what TB said you told her. She said you told her you did hurt it that way.

Me: I didnt even think about thats how i hurt it till the dr told me to tell her everything i had lifted that day and she said its more than likely how i hurt it.

Boss: This is not good. You should have told us you hurt it that way. You know we have to write this stuff up.

Me: Well i honestly didnt think about it. I just now my back was hurting and i was tired of it.

Boss: Well TB is really mad about this. She said you told her that you hurt it picking up a box of paper and i said no...she hasnt said anything about it to me. This is NOT good.

Me: Well im sorry. I didnt think about it having to be wrote up. And there's not a moment when i did something and said ohhh....i just hurt my back. I didnt think about it till the dr told me to name what all i had lifted that day. And im pretty sure it was that box of paper.

The conversation kept goin on and on. But she just told me that TB had asked her to talk about me about it and that i should have said something. Excuse me......when i talked to you on the phone that night about it.....i had just had 2 shots of muscle relaxer shots in the butt. There's no way that stuff was on my mind. And why didnt she pick up on anything and ask me how i had hurt it??

So yesterday when i got home i just lost it. I think i cried for like 5 hours straight last night. I was upset and felt like i had done the stupidest thing ever. I know they're gonna want to talk to me about it. Im scared to death. Seriously SCARED TO DEATH. I've been so stressed out all day long till i feel like im gonna throw up and my head is going to explode.

Hopefully they'll be nice about it. I didnt mean to do it on purpose. My boss had to tell me it had to be wrote up cause if it happened at work then insurance would pay for it and workman's comp would kick in. I dont want anything. I hurt my back, i went to the dr and now i feel better. I just wanna leave it at that. I'll write it up if i have to. I just wish they wouldnt make a big deal out of it.

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