Friday, July 30, 2010

I cant believe August is almost here

I dont know about you....but July flew by to me. This next month is going to be busy with a couple of things.

  • August 7 - Jessica's wedding. This is my brother in laws sister. It'll be kind of interesting for him, my sister and me to all be in the wedding party.
  • August 9 - Payton's 3rd bday. This has to be one of my favorite kids in the whole world. She's hilarious. I remember meeting her for the first time like it was yesterday. Ive been to her last 2 parties and im NOT missing this one.
  • August 10 - my 29th birthday. Its hard to believe that this is my last year in my 20s. I remember when i thought people who were 20 were ancient. Hopefully 29 will be a good year!
  • August 14 - Payton's birthday party. This year it's at a pizza place and it's a princess themed party. I cant wait to see her, her sister and parents and a couple of their friends who we've gotten to know the last few years.
I am in desperate need of a vacation. I dont care if its just for a weekend. I would love to go stay in a condo somewhere and just sit out on the beach all day on saturday. Yeah....that sounds good.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Love it!

Two posts in one day....i dont think this has EVER happened. I went to walmart tonight with my mom and just happened to wonder over to the comforters and was looking. I found this one that i like. I love that color of blue. And plus its just plain and simple. How i like stuff. What do you think?

After i got home tonight i went to walmarts website and decided to look at all their comforters. Thats when i spotted this.

I love love love this comforter. Actually its a bed in a bag and guess what? Its only $34. Yes......thats a very good price! So if anybody would like to get me that as b'day present, id be your best friend forever! :)

Favorite things

Since i have absolutely nothing interesting to blog about now....i thought i would share some of my recent favorite things. The first is the Dancing Waters scent at Bath and Body Works. I dont know what it is about this stuff, but i absolutely LOVE it. My birthday is 1 month from today, so if anybody would like to buy me the shower gel or perfume i would greatly appreciate it!
My next thing is pickles. I seriously think i could eat a whole jar every day. These have been half of my lunch lately. I just cant get enough!